Physical Therapy For Your Parents
Are you worried that your parent is having a decline in function? Has your parent recently fallen? Has your parent reduced their activities and social life due to pain?
These are all common issues that happen to older adults. Often times as children, we see changes in our parents that may not be visible to themselves or others. It can be a struggle to get your parents to agree and participate in an exercise program or physical therapy routine, which can help alleviate and even eliminate all of these problems.
These are problems we work with on a daily basis. We often get phone calls from concerned children that their parents are in decline and that it is extremely difficult to convince them to participate or get out of the house to go to a physical therapy or exercise program. We are able to help alleviate the symptoms with the added convenience of meeting your parents at their home. By going to the home we are able to evaluate your parents in the place they spend the most time and are most likely to experience a fall or further decline. We can tailor their program to their exact needs around the home. Over the years we’ve convinced even the most skeptical parent or loved one the tremendous value of an in-home physical therapist.
Mobile Physical Therapy Can Prevent Falls
How much does this care cost and how do I get it for them?
Insurance can be very tricky and hard to navigate. Our experience working with an older adult population allows us to easily explain, navigate insurance, and reduce costs for your parents. We accept Medicare insurance. Currently, anyone 65 years and older is eligible for Medicare benefits. We are able to see your parents for physical therapy in the home under Medicare part B.
Yes. We accept Medicare Insurance and we can see your parent, in their home.
Is Physical Therapy Worth the cost?
Physical therapy is significantly cheaper cost considering the potential injuries that may occur following a fall or significant inactivity. The CDC states that from 2007-2016 31% of older adults died after fall. Given the high mortality rate, cost of hospital bills and skilled nursing facility/assisted living, and the fact the falling is highly preventable, physical therapy is one of the best options available.
Can I get physical therapy at home?
Physiso2go mobile physical therapy has solved this problem!
Everybody knows that traffic in San Diego is a nightmare. It is not getting any better. Driving to any appointment easily adds an hour more to your day. This means spending longer hours at work to make up for missed time, missing time with your family, and not participating in the things you love to do.
While these are unfortunate side effects of taking care of yourself, putting off the care you need is no longer an issue as we bring the physical therapy appointments to you.
Why Physio2go?
Physio2Go is a mobile physical therapy provider. We are able to drive to your home, office, gym, or favorite park to give you the care you need. We accept Medicare and most major insurances.
We spend one-on-one time with all of our patients which allows for decreased number of visits and faster recovery time. Physio2GO mobile physical therapy, delivers the best quality physical therapy through your insurance or at an affordable price.
If you are experiencing pain, having surgery, or not participating in your activities the way you would like to call us today and get the help you need.
Physio2go mobile physical therapy is also part of the San Diego Chapter of GAIN: Golden Age Integrative Network and can help get you ALL of the care you need without any of the headaches.